Pepe the Frog





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The most memeable memecoin in existence. The dogs have had their day, it’s time for Pepe The frog to take reign.


Supply  1,000,000,000

No Taxes, No Bullshit. It’s that simple.

 LP tokens are burnt 

"My Pepe philosophy is simple: 'Feels good man.' It is based on the meaning of the word Pepe: 'To go Pepe'. I find complete joy in physically, emotionally, and spiritually serving Pepe and his friends through comics. Each comic is sacred, and the compassion of my readers transcends any differences, the pain, and fear of 'feeling good'."

“…the movie is a vertiginous, head-slapping examination of the tangible, unpredictable consequences of making art.”
- Ben Kenigsberg, New York Times
“FEELS GOOD MAN a fascinating doc about the rise and fall and rise of the internet meme. Wonderful portrait of brilliant artist.”
- Darren Aronofsky, Director of Requiem for a Dream, The Wrestler & Black Swan.
“Jones’ approach is nothing less than heroic…a beacon of internet literacy about a whole new language—that memes are flexible, omnipotent, and pieces of a phenomenon more powerful than their creators.”
- Nick Allen,
“Many documentaries become less interesting the more you already know about the subject. But FEELS GOOD MAN presents a heavily covered story in a thoughtful and vivid way.”
- Adi Robertson, The Verge
© 2024 by PEPE the Frog. All rights reserved!